Another problem with the EU is the language. Most of the languages used are not really very light to easily understood by many of it´s citizen thus making it very difficult to enage in the call for action especially among young people who are not used to lots burocratic languages. Texts and essay´s are often too cumbersome that one can read and understand what the politican are talking about.
Another issue of great concern is the fact that the three percent hurdle for European elections is unconstitutional and for many years this has been the case that hinders the massive participation of the decision making in Brussel for many in Germany. It was of recent that the Federal Constitutional Court in Karlsruhe overturned the election threshold for the election on May 25. Before this time many voice could not be heard or represented at the EU.
In my opinion , another factor cripling the EU is also the method to be undertaken in order to bring change through the initiative of the EU citizens which says that one have to find about 7 to 8 people from different EU contries, collect verifiable 1 million signatures from all EU member states before a reform could be pursued is a difficult task which in fact makes it even worse or distasteful.
Intercultural diversities among citizens of member states may also be a problem because EU may sound new and foreign and thus making it less attractive. Many volks are not well represented at the EU and those already being represented don´t actually know who to speak to and how to reach the people to actually know what there pressing needs are.
Another problem is that the EU do not have the same educational standard for example a BSC obtained in another member state may not have the same value in another EU state any many youths or young people are worried about their future in the EU.
The member state laws also differs some much from each other that in reality you dont actually enjoy those benefit that exist in anoter member state as would wish if you move to another member state without massive hurdles for example you may not recieve unemployment help in Germany even if youre from EU member state unless you have actually lived and work here for a period of about three years. This does not actually give hope to those other youths and families coming from Rumania for example to Germany..
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